MACE, ICFHR, & CHP, Reports on Fracking

This MACE report was commissioned by Fermanagh Omagh District Council following pressure from the community on the fracking issue. It shows the following:

Profound environmental impacts noise, light, air pollution, polluted rivers and loughs, earthquakes.

Permanent damage to agriculture, tourism and manufacturing economy.

The costs are shows to be 9 times any potential benefits.

Community wellbeing and happiness will fall as people will feel less secure in environment with seismic activity and pollution of air and water as well as noise and light pollution. Fracking will bring trauma and powerlessness and human rights violations.

Health impacts include respiratory disease, birth abnormalities, underweight babies born premature prone to serious adverse health outcomes in later life.

CHP – Concerned Health Professionals of New York

CHP – Concerned Health Professionals of New York

Regulations can’t prevent harms, earthquake risks, air pollution. radioactive emissions or leaks from wells.

Fracking is accelerating the climate crisis.

Fracking contaminates and depleted drinking water sources

Fracking creates air pollution known to harm health.

Public health problems associated with fracking include prenatal harm, respiratory impacts, cancer, heart disease, mental health problems and premature death.

Fracking causes earthquakes

Social costs of fracking are severe

Fracking violates principles of environmental justice and human rights


ICHR Irish Centre for Human Rights Report (below)

Human rights impacted by fracking and its contribution to climate change include, but are not necessarily limited to, the right to life, the right to health, the right to water, the right to food, the right to housing, the right to access to information, the right to public participation, the right to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment, with violations of these rights having disproportionate impacts on marginalized and vulnerable communities and groups.H

As a result, it is recommended that States:

Refrain from implementing fracking practices, and in accordance with the CEDAW Committee’s 2019 recommendation to the United Kingdom, introduce a comprehensive and complete ban on fracking;12

Prohibit the expansion of polluting and environmentally destructive types of fossil fuel extraction, including oil and gas produced from fracking, as per the recommendation of the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment;13 and

Commit to attaining and upholding the highest standards of the rights to life, health, water and food, and ensure that no State or private initiatives disproportionately impact these rights.

Below is a suggested response from Belcoo Frack Free’s Tom White – also available in different formats from Belcoo Frack Free’ post here

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